Field Status

Please read carefully: All soccer games at Newtown Park are on as scheduled. 12u Boys Soccer tournament games at Shakerag Park are on as scheduled. Baseball games are on as scheduled- please check back as additional rain may impact field conditions. Lax games at Newtown Park are on as scheduled Tennis is cancelled. Please check […]

Field Status

Baseball INFIELDS are muddy, outfields are playable. Baseball practices may need to confine to outfield work. Grass/school fields are playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

Baseball games at Newtown park are cancelled due to field conditions. Soccer games at Shakerag Park are on as scheduled. All soccer and lacrosse games at Newtown park are on as scheduled. Please check back for updates and potential cancellations.

Field Status

Baseball INFIELDS are damp but playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas . Grass/school fields are playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

All Baseball fields are closed due to field conditions. Grass fields and school fields are closed due to field conditions. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

Baseball INFIELDS are muddy, outfields are playable. Baseball practices may need to confine to outfield work. Grass/school fields are playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

All Baseball fields are closed due to field conditions. Grass fields and school fields are closed due to field conditions. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

Baseball INFIELDS are muddy, outfields are playable. Baseball practices may need to confine to outfield work. Grass/school fields are playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

All Baseball fields are closed due to field conditions. Grass fields and school fields are closed due to field conditions. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

Baseball games at Newtown park are cancelled due to field conditions. All soccer and lacrosse games at Newtown park are on as scheduled. Soccer games at Shakerag Park are on as scheduled. Tennis is canceled. Please check email for makeup information.

Field Status

Soccer and lacrosse games scheduled on turf are on as scheduled. Baseball INFIELDS are muddy, outfields are playable. Baseball practices may need to confine to outfield work. Grass/school fields are playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas. Turf fields are open.

Field Status

Baseball games at Newtown park are cancelled due to field conditions. All soccer and lacrosse games at Newtown park are on as scheduled. Soccer games at Shakerag Park are on as scheduled. Tennis is canceled. Please check email for makeup information.

Field Status

Baseball INFIELDS are muddy, outfields are playable. Baseball practices may need to confine to outfield work. Grass/school fields are playable, please avoid heavily saturated areas. Turf fields are open. We are monitoring expected inclement weather this weekend and will update cancellations as they occur. Please check back and refresh your browser for updates.