

Question: How are refunds handled?
Answer: Refunds are granted before the season starts less $30. You must email info@newtownrec.com with your request for a refund stating your child’s name, what sport he/she is signed up for, and the reason for the refund. After the season starts, a refund can be process but will be less $30 plus an additional prorated amount based on how many practices/games your child has participated in and if their jersey has been personalized.

Question: Can I make a special request?
Answer: Yes, when you register you can place a request in the special request box listed at the top of the registration page. You may list days you can’t practice, a particular practice time you’d prefer, or a particular coach or friend. If you think of a request after you have registered, email info@newtownrec.com with your request. SPECIAL REQUESTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED!

Question: Can I play up or down an age group?
Answer: Players are allowed to play up one age group if they are within one year of that age group. Players may not play up more than one age group. Typically, players are not allowed to play down one age group due to safety reasons; however, you may ask if there are special circumstances. In order to play in a different age group, you must email info@newtownrec.com when you register.

Question: Coach handed out uniforms, but none fit my child. What do I do?
Answer: Email info@newtownrec.com with your child’s name and team information along with the size you need. We can do additional orders if it’s still early in the season.

Question: Is there a lost and found?
Answer: You may check the concession stand on game days to see if an item was turned in there or you may call the Newtown Community Center at 678-512-3430.

Question: What can I do if my child is placed on a team with a practice that I just can’t make?
Answer:  Immediately email info@newtownrec.com with your request to change to a team that has a practice you can make.  Please list as many days and times that you can make to allow us the best opportunity to find a team that will work best with your schedule.  If requests are made after the first week of the season, it is very difficult for us to switch players to a new team as there are a limited number of spots available.

All activities at all locations are canceled today due to weather and field conditions.